
William Shakespeare

Richard Burt..

William Shakespeare

Iliad (Unabr..

Homer, Stanley Lombardo - translator

Romeo & Juli..

William Shakespeare

The Essentia..

Homer, Stanley Lombardo - translator

Beowulf (Una..

C. W. Kennedy (translator)

The Brothers..

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


William Shakespeare

Evangeline (..

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Don Juan In ..

George Bernard Shaw

Julius Caesa..

William Shakespeare

The Two Gent..

William Shakespeare

Gross Indece..

Moisés Kaufman


Ian Rankin

A Dozen Red ..

Robert Burns

The Satires ..



Mary Shelley

The Poetry o..

Robert Burns

Now the Dead..

Martin Espada

Ghostly Poet..

Edgar Allan Poe, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron

A Lover's Co..

William Shakespeare

A Dozen Red ..

Various Authors

Louder: We C..

Marge Piercy

The Very Bes..

Saland Publishing

The Life and..

Seth Lerer & The Great Courses

The Mayor of..

Thomas Hardy

Antología P..

Fray Luis de León, Antonio Machado, Teresa de Avila, Alonso de Ercilla & Baltasar de Alcázar

SmartPass Au..

Jane Austen and Mary Potter

Antología P..

Francisco De Quevedo, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Calderon de la Barca, Juan de Mena & José de Espronceda

SmartPass Au..

William Shakespeare, Jonathan Lomas

Robert Donat..

A. E. Housman, John Keats, William Shakespeare, Rupert Brooke

Huckleberry ..

Mark Twain

Rattapallax ..

Martin Mitchell, Willie Perdomo, Flavia Rocha, Jeet Thayil, Edwin Torres

The Sonnets,..

William Shakespeare

The Thirsty ..

Saland Publishing

Justice (Dra..

John Galsworthy

The Lake Poe..

G2 Entertainment Ltd

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

A Dickens of..

Gregory Nassif St. John

Poetry of th..

Edward Lear

Robert Burns..

Alastair Turnbull

You Must Rem..

Michael Bazzett

The World's ..

Various Artists

SmartPass Pl..

J.B. Priestley & Gil Maine

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

Lady Windeme..

Oscar Wilde

A Midsummer ..

William Shakespeare, Mary Lamb

Hyperion ode..

Friedrich Hölderlin

The Love Sto..

Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Lord Arthur ..

Oscar Wilde

Hold What Ma..

Marcus Amaker

Theatre Roya..

W. Somerset Maugham & Joseph Conrad

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

Buch der Lie..

Heinrich Heine

SmartPass Au..

Thomas Hardy and Mike Reeves

The Light Th..

Rudyard Kipling

Death For Sa..

Inner Sanctum

The Top 50 P..

Rudyard Kipling, Wilfred Owen & John Keats

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions


Friedrich Hölderlin

Wenn die Uhr..

Rainer Maria Rilke

Why Otters D..

Roger Stevens

Poetry for L..

Saland Publishing

The Colors o..

Maya & Jello

Selected Poe..

Denise Riley

Westminster ..

John Clare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Robert Herrick

Theatre Roya..

J.B. Priestly & H.G. Wells

The Poetry o..

Robert Burns, Robert Seymour Bridges & Robert Louis Stevenson

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

Hollywood St..

Hollywood Stage Productions

Poésie éro..



ルイス・キャロル & 頼経 康史

Rimas [Rhyme..

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

La gentile c..

Andrea Bajani & G. Sergio Ferrentino

Il mio cuore..

Alessandra Benassi

The Pressure..

Gregory P. Wolk

Wie fern die..

Heinrich Heine

13 Grusel-Ba..

Friedrich Hebbel, Martin Greif, Dagmar von Dänemark

The World's ..

Saland Publishing

Hymnen an di..
